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Employment Forecasts

Province / Region / Municipality

Occupation Forecasts

Applications has developed sophisticated models capable of generating comprehensive 'economy wide' labour market demand and supply forecasts at the four digit NOC (National Occupation Classification) and 3 digit NAICS (Industry classification). These forecasts have been done at a provincial, regional (economic region) and municipal level.

To learn more click here.

Employment Forecast

Economic growth and demand for workers drives local and regional population growth. Applications can produce employment supply and demand forecasts at a detailed industry (NAICS) and occupation (NOC) level for local (municipal), regional, or provincial geographies. We have also applied our employment supply and deman model to specific industries (ie. LNG, agriculture).

Our employment demand forcasts, used in conjuction with labour supply estimates, provide a detailed understanding of worker needs and shortages by industry and occupations.

For more information on our employment forecast products, click on the free sample forecast below.

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